Going platinum?
Going platinum?
Want to go platinum? Take a look at these celeb blonde transformations before texting your colourist.
I think we’ve all sat in a hairdresser’s chair after a particularly bad colouring job and told them we loved it only to throw on our hoodie and cry into our fries in a Maccas parking lot minutes later… No? Is that just me? Anyway, to save you the heartache of going through that we compiled a list of all our fave celeb brunette-to-blonde transformations to help you see all sides of the spectrum. Some work, some NEED work and some should’ve resulted in someone getting fired.
The better half of Jelena showing off her new style
Queen of lips, wigs and future baby mama Kylie Jenner is no stranger to breaking the internet and she set the blogs on fire when she showed off this style.
...Something about this look isn’t doing it for us.
If there’s one thing Kris Jenner makes more than money it’s meme worthy material
*prayer emoji* that she Rihvisits this look
Face goals, hair goals, talent goals, makeup goals, outfit goals, bank account goals... Did we miss one?
Our fave (former) blonde boyband member
OKAY try and ignore the smoulder and cheekbones for like three seconds (it’s hard, we know) and just LOOK at his hair!!!