“How would you contribute to the sorority?”
It’s important to have an idea of what role you would be interested in learning about - and potentially doing - if you joined the sorority. This shows that you did research beforehand, know yourself and your capabilities, while providing an opportunity for you to share your passions or highlight your leadership experience.
There are many roles that can differ between each sorority and chapter but overall they stem from the following positions: President, Academic Excellence, Finance Chair, Social Chair, Rush Chair, and many more.
President: “I’ve always naturally gravitated towards leadership roles and am very comfortable overseeing the bigger picture. I love working with people and understand how to create a positive environment while ensuring everyone is on task”
Academic Excellence: “I’ve always loved school, from buying my school supplies, to keeping up with my agenda, to test prep. I feel as though I’d be a great asset to my sisters to make sure we are all doing well!”
Finance Chair: “I’ve always been great with math and budgets and feel as though I’d do great as finance chair. It aligns with my future career goals so I’m excited to better prepare myself for my future while supporting the house!”
Social Chair: “I’m always looking for ways to see my friends in fun and new ways so I’m definitely interested in social chair! While many call me ‘the life of the party’ I’m also very organized and can ensure we have a full and balanced social calendar!”
Rush Chair: “I love meeting new people and ensuring that they feel comfortable and welcomed. I already love this sorority and can’t wait to show it off to the future PNMs (potential new members)!”
Suggest whatever role you feel the most drawn to and supplement as to why! Also, feel free to mention any roles not on this list, whatever you like!