Top 10 On Screen Snogs
Top 10 On Screen Snogs
It's almost my favourite day of the year, World Chocolate Day.
To celebrate what’s arguably the sweetest day of the year AND International Kissing Day, let’s revisit some of the best on-screen snogs of all time and pair them with our favourite Max Brenner treats.
Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 take on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is the reason for my seemingly never-ending thirst for Leonardo DiCaprio. It goes without saying that Claire Danes is a beaut but young Leo. Young Leo broke a few hearts and that fish tank scene will always be iconic.
Watch with: American Marshmallow hot chocolate.
I was 13 and had no business watching A Walk To Remember because my young heart couldn't take it but I watched it anyway and broke my own heart. Mandy Moore and Shane West did THAT.
Watch with: 80's Milkshake.
You’re probably thinking “How predictable!!! Another film with Leo” and you’re RIGHT. The Titanic is a predictable option but with good reason. Everything about this film is iconic.
Watch with: Berry Cool.
I’m a sucker for a classic Hepburn flick.
Watch with: Chocolate Fondue For Two.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!!!! You already know this one had to get a mention.
Watch with: Choc-Banana Pizza.
The luck-swapping kiss that changed both their lives. If you haven't watched Just My Luck then you're probably too old or too young and although you can't change that you can watch this film. It's on Netflix so you've got no excuse.
Watch with: Chocolate Strawberry Dip.
Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin' happened so fast
Watch with: Salted Caramel Milkshake.
Watch with: OMG Double Choc Cookie.
The most iconic movie of all time.
Watch with: Mini Max Sundae.
The most iconic movie kiss of all time. I'm not even a Spiderman fan. In all honesty, I haven't even watched any of the Spiderman movies but I know about this kiss and I've seen it referenced a thousand times in pop culture. Why is the kiss iconic? Well, Peter Parker's upside down in his Spidey-suit and if my Googling skills are accurate, he's just saved his on-screen love Mary Jane Something-or-other and she doesn't know it's Peter but she wants to smooch the masked hero so she lifts his mask up a little past his lips and plants one on him. 2002 was a good year for cinema.
Watch with: Tutti Frutti Waffle.
PSSSSSST, you can score yourself a FREE hot chocolate from Max Brenner this World Chocolate Day. Save the date babes - July 7th.